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Career workshop(창업이민인재양성): Overall Assistance forStart-up Immigration System
작성자 Office of International Affairs & Education 작성일 2024-04-19 조회수 23

[Career workshop: Overall Assistance forStart-up Immigration System (OASIS-4)]

University of Ulsan would like to introduce the OASIS Program for UOU international students.

[ OASIS Program ]

▶ What is the OASIS Program?
OASIS(Overall Assistance for Start-up Immigration System) provides both start-up support and start-up visa(D-8-4) to foreigners who decide to launch business in Korea based on outstanding ideas and technology.

▶ Benefit
 Available to apply for the D- 10- 2 after the completion of the education
Certificate of Completion(OASIS- 4)
 Extra points (Invention Startup Exhibition in the second half year)* will be added for students who complete OASIS-4(Basic Startup Class)

[ OASIS(창업이민 인재양성) 프로그램 ]

▶ OASIS 프로그램이란?

창업이민종합지원시스템은(OASIS)은 법무부장관과 중소벤처기업부장관이 지정하는 글로벌창업이민센터에서 운영하는 프로그램입니다. 
OASIS는 우수한 기술기반 외국인 창업자의 국내 창업을 활성화하고, 국내 일자를 창출을 위해 2013년부터 운영하고 있으며, 
뛰어난 아이디어와 기술력을 바탕으로 한국에서 창업을 희망하는 외국인 창업자들에게 국내 창업지원과 창업비자(D-8-4)를 동시에 제공합니다.
또한 외국인을 대상으로 창업을 희망하는 내국인에게도 도움이 되는 워크숍을 제공합니다. 

▶ 혜택
 - 교육 이수 후, D- 10- 2(창업준비) 비자 신청 및 연장 가능(요건 충족 시)
 - OASIS- 4 교육 수료증 발급
 - OASIS-4 수료자에 한하여, D-8-4 비자 변경 시 OASIS 점수 제공

▶ More Information
- Language: English
- Duration: 20 hours-3day (Fri 17:00-21:00 / Sat 09:00-17:00 / Sun: 09:00-17:00, Lunch will be provided.)
- Fee: free

▶ Contents

(Day 01)
- Understanding immigration laws and regulations
- Advanced understanding of Korean society
(Day 02)
- Understanding of business management and tax system
- Presentation before investors and shareholders
- Understanding of start-up and business management-related laws and regulations
- The practice of real estate (rent system, lease protection, etc.)

(Day 03)
- Understanding and practice of target marketing
- Theory and practice of business plan writing methods
- Understanding of policies relevant to small business start-up support, etc.
- Advanced understanding of Korean society

  ▶ Qualification : International Students of University of Ulsan
  ▶ Course Period
 Day 01 : 2024. 05. 24.(FRI) 17:00 ~ 21:00
       Day 02 : 2024. 05. 25.(SAT) 09:00 ~ 17:00
 Day 03 : 2024. 05. 26.(SUN) 09:00 ~ 17:00

▶ Location: Lecture Room 408, International Building (Bldg #43)
▶ Mode of Teaching : Off-line Workshop
▶Application Period : April 05 2024(Fri) ~ May 20 2024(Mon)

▶ How to apply?
Sign up here:

▶ Previous OASIS-4 

1. Reviews

2. Pictures